Sunday, May 15, 2011

Read this - No inhaling or viewing necessary

I didn’t really want to write anything about Bin Laden in the last post, and I really didn’t want to today either – it was the furthest thing from my mind … until I saw the headline that said Osama had porn.

The word ‘porn’ is like the word ‘free’ – it stops you and makes you look again. Even if you’re not in the market for whatever it is someone is giving away with ‘free’ you’re going to look to see what it is. I had to read the article.

It appears, according to both the Huffington Post and Reuters, that OBL was a randy mullah, a rutting jihadi, dare I say, a taudry terrorist. Amidst his computer files of destruction and carnage, there was a good deal of pornography. The article said, and I quote…

“The officials said they were not yet sure precisely where in the compound the pornography was discovered or who had been viewing it. Specifically, the officials said they did not know if bin Laden himself had acquired or viewed the materials.”

Now, I’m not trying to link any two things that are unrelated together, but…if you were to ask me, that sounds an awful lot like some guy we’re all familiar with…

"When I was in England, I experimented with marijuana a time or two, and I didn't like it. I didn't inhale and never tried it again." –Bill Clinton

They weren't sure if bin Laden himself had viewed the materials? Really? He just happened to have his courier bring him a video montage of Tarts of the Taliban for who? His butler? The guy who was making the suicide vests?

Maybe it was a little T&A (Toes and Ankles for the burquha-wearing set) for wife No. 3 so she would know exactly what kind of thing they were fighting against. Know your enemy...Sun Tzu and all that.

Clinton not inhaling and OBL not viewing are, in my mind, two of the biggest examples of, “This is what we’re going to tell you but we don’t really expect you to believe it” spin-doctoring ever. Why anyone is even trying to give him the benefit of the doubt is beyond me.

And here is something else from the Reuter’s article…

"Three other U.S. officials familiar with evidence gathered during investigations of other Islamic militants said the discovery of pornography is not uncommon in such cases."

It’s not? I would think it would be a little unusual…I mean, a little... No?

Apparently not. I have to wonder what these U.S. officials who are familiar with gathering such evidence talk about in private?

“Hey, Bob, I'm on the team to study the bin Laden files"

"You're such a lucky bastard. You always get the militant files."

"You see them yet?”

“No. Any interesting intel in there?”

“Well, depends on your definition of ‘intel’ I guess.”

“I heard it was all military-realted…”

“Girls of the Israeli Defense Force is kind of military-related I suppose. Ironic, but yeah…related.”

Of course, that’s pure conjecture on my part, because while I saw the headine and the story I didn't read it.

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