Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Ok, what next?

As I sit here with BOB, or more correctly, IN BOB, I'm trying to discover what I can actually blog about. The ride down to Texas was fun enough and all, but let's face it, I don't really want to go through that particular scenario every week just to have something to write about. You're all very nice (the two or three of you who are there) but c'mon, let's be practical.

So, last night I finished reading my first e-book on a 'NOOK' I bought The Shadow for Christmas last year. I kind of like the ebook thing - never thought I would, but I do. And the book was Julie & Julia - you may have seen the movie - if you haven't you should, it's quite good.

The book is good too - chronicaling a woman who decided to start a blog and cook her way through the entire Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking cookbook - in one year. Well, that's a great idea but it's not going to happen. First, it's already been done and second, just reading that book raised my cholestorol - the amount of butter used for the recipies in that book are ludicrous. That and the fact that my kitchen and kitchen utensils just aren't up to the task.

So, what to do, what to do? I think what I'll try to do is come up with several interesting photos every week and post them here - and you can guess what they are. That might be fun for my kids anyway, plus it will get me outside (or inside BOB you never know) and taking some pictures. So that might be fun. It certainly couldn't be worse than not writing anything. Hell, there are only 7 of you as it is and I dare say only 2 of you probably show up and see if this thing is ever updated.

So that's it then. I'll do a photo quiz kind of thing. (unless one of you has a brilliant idea). But probably not starting today. I have my finals coming up in less than three weeks and I really need to start studying for that and I'm going home to see the Shadow and kids in four weeks - very excited for that - can't wait to get home even if it is god-awful cold up there.

Perhaps though I'll do a photo or two a week as a warm up starting this week. Check back soon.

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