So I'm at the theater and I suppose I should preface this all by saying that my favorite theater experience was in England. Not the huge mega-opti-collosal-cineplex, but a theater with only a few screens. After the trailers they'd bring up the houselights about half way and a concession worker would come to the front of the audience and have a tray with candy and stuff. They'd sell this for a couple minutes - and there were always people who waited until then to get their food gear, and they'd leave. If the movie was really long (like HP7/1 at 2.5 hours) they'd come back for an intermission which was great because if you didn't want food, you could go to the loo and not miss anything. All that and the Brits sell sweet popcorn - with sugar instead of salt - and it's awesome.
Anyway, I've been to this theater before since I've been in Texas and what I saw was new. After by-passing the candy concession - where they wanted $4 - yes, FOUR BUCKS for a 500ml bottle of water - I saw on my way to the theater, a small bar. Five feet of wooded splendor lined with adult beverages - beer, wine and I think wine coolers although I'm not sure technically a wine cooler can be considered an adult beverage as the only people I've ever known to drink them were 16 year old girls. Curious, I asked how much a beer was, expecting a typical movie theater answer - $12 or something similarly outrageous. But not so - only $3 or $4 depending on what you wanted.
Really. Beer is actually cheaper than water - and a whole LOT cheaper than a bucket of popcorn at the movie theater. And you can take it into the theater with you. It's a lot like being at home I imagine but without the potential comfort of sticking your hand in the belt of your trousers and just really relaxing.
Overall, I thought this was a good sign. A sign that the American movie-going experience is finally relaxing a little. Of course, I didn't have a beer because beer treats me like a urinary expressway. Not the best way to actually enjoy a movie. Still, I love the thought and think a little Europeanizing of America is good and it's only a matter of time before we can get a Heiniken at McDonalds.

I invite you all - both of you - to give it a guess and when you do, please just note where you're reading from just for grins. Winner gets...well, probably nothing, but you never know. Maybe I'll take you to the movies and buy you a beer.
I haven't the foggiest idea. You could have opened the shot up a little more. Oh well, enjoyed the entry. Reading from bed on Thanksgiving morn.