Obviously the posting 'every week' thing isn't working out as well as I though. But me and BOB (my apartment, BOB, the Box Of Boredom) are doing fine. We know this because I've bothered to name my apartment. As of yet, I haven't started talking to him. And more thankfully, he hasn't started talking to me. If that happens it's definitely time to move.
So the mid-terms went far FAR better than expected with As in each - actually one was a 100 which kind of floored me. But the big surprise, grade wise, this week came from my semi-annual AirForce Fitness Test - which I have never scored higher than about an 83 on. Well, for one of the few times I maxed my push-ups and sit-ups and had to have a run time faster than I figured was likely (although not impossible). Suffice to say that at the end, I had a 90.1 on the test, good enough for an 'excellent' rating, and more importantly, good enough where I don't have to take the test again for a year. So that's nice.
Class wise we have two more meetings before the end of the semester and right now it looks like my first semester will be my last for a while. It seems that while I have only about 15 months left in the service, Uncle Sam wants 6 of those to be over in Iraq or some such place. Soooooo we'll see what happens. It's not a done deal yet, but it's looking that way. Regardless, in my last two classes we are assigned a group and we have to do a 30 minute class on a subject. Remember that Father Guido Sarducci video I linked to in the last blog? Well, I did and if you don't remember, go back and click the link and watch the video. Anyway, if you watch that, you'll have a good idea of what's in store for my class in a couple weeks. This isn't just me, either, this is me and four other adults who have agreed to this. I think it will be fun. Maybe I'll get a clip and put it here but I doubt it.
And one last note - I have successfully lost the 12 pounds I've gained since arriving here. I topped out at a rather stunning 200 pounds at one point here back about a month or so ago. I'm 'back down' to 188ish and I think this is the start of getting me down some more. Ultimately the goal of course is 160 but right now I think getting into the 179 range will be excellent and then we'll worry about lower numbers.
Ok, this was a bit of a 'letter home' kind of post and hopefully next time it will be more along the lines of previous stuff. My project I'm looking at it to take a good look at the federal budget. It's amazing how little people pay attention to what we're spending our money on.
So, stay tuned for that -- Roe's ideas of how we can save federal dollars without doing anything really stupid.
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