Ok, so this week I finally went out and bought a smart phone. Why? Well, I should think it's pretty obvious why. I work in public relations, I blog semi-regularly. I live in a city that I'm unfamiliar with. A smart phone can help me do things I've heretofore (I've always wanted to use that word) been unable to do.
Plus, I really wanted to play Angry Birds.
Naturally, with a 188 page instruction manual for the new phone to digest, I set to work on updating the blog site. I hope you like it. There is now a feature in the upper right where you can add your email address in the box, and you'll get an email when something new is posted. I know 'following' the blog for many of you is a giant pain because of the hoops the site wants you to take, signing up and all that nonsense, so hopefully this works out for you and gives me an idea of how many people read this.
I hope you don't think this is a customer service issue. No, no, no. This is pure narcissism. I mean, that's essentially what a blog is, after all. Just a way to help people feel better about themselves. The more followers you have or more people you can see who have bothered to sign up for something you do, the more narcissistic you can feel. And the more that happens, the more you have to spell narcissistic and eventually you won't have to keep going to the tab you have open on dictionary.com to know how to spell it. So really, there's an educational benefit too.
So, you'll also notice the blog is lightened up a little design-wise which I figured is like house-cleaning. Once a year whether you need it or not. And you can also see the top-3 posts (by how many page views I guess) and the total page views of the blog. I'm going out on a limb here and assuming these don't count mine. Again, it's all about me.
Except when it isn't. I went to see Harry Potter 7.2 the other day and it was a fine film. I'm not going to get into that other than to say I really wish Radcliff hadn't waited until his last film before he started knowing how to act. Anyway, during a really quiet part of the movie, about 10 rows back, a phone starts to ring and the guy answers it. Now, I would like to think that most dinks who answer a phone in a movie theater would have the good grace to whisper or say a few words and then get up and leave so as to not bother everyone else. No, not this guy. Fortunately his conversation was quick, but entirely audible. That's what texting is for.
There is a theater down here, and I forget the name of it otherwise I'd tell you, where they have about 3 minutes of commercials outlining their anti-cell phone in the theater policy and it's very direct. In fact, they tell you that if your cell phone rings and you're talking on it, they'll escort you out of the theater and you will not get your money back. According to people who frequent that theater, they are as good as their word too. All theaters should be like that.
So, this post was really just a way to test the new page design. I hope you like it and I hope that next time you're back here there's something a little better to read. By that time I should be able to give you a good rundown on a couple recipie apps I've downloaded, and gotten past level 9 of Angry Birds.
Sigh. Now you need an iPad so you can do Angry Birds on a bigger screen. Honestly. It's all about the games and photos. Do we really need the internet to make a phone call? No. BUT, I do ever so much love being able to figure out where the Hell I am. Case in point: I'm not a tremendously gifted navigator of large cities in which I am unfamiliar. However, I plugged in where I wanted to go with my iPhone, clicked "walk" and navigated myself there without incident. The bonus is that I didn't even trip and fall into a fountain. The double bonus is that I made it to this promotion party in time to actually have a beer. Had i relied on my own instincts I would have been left behind. Therefore, smart phones make it possible to drink beer.