Saturday, December 11, 2010

Home for Christmas

Well, it's almost here - in a few days I hop a plane and go back to see the family in lovely, snowy really frickin' cold New England. Yesterday I went running after work. It was 74 degrees. Back home, I think it was - literally, 2 degrees. So long as I stay inside wrapped in a thermal blanket and hot water bottle for a week I'll probably be alright.  Actually, it's not as bad as that. In 1999 I came home from Saudi Arabia in December - but home at that time was in Fairbanks Alaska. I think at the time I figured the 36-hour drop in temperature that I took to be something like 130 degrees. Word of advice for people - if you are considering going to Alaska (the real interior part of Alaska, not Anchorage) ask yourself these couple questions:
1. Do I like to go into the woods and kill large animals?
2. Do I like convenience of any sort?

If you answered Yes to number one. Pack heavy and have a nice trip. You'll love Alaska. Just remember that up there, the stuff you're hunting may have a chance to return the favor.
If you answered Yes to number two. Consider your options carefully. While there is indoor plumbing and running water, you may have to drive upwards of 350 miles to get to a Home Depot or something - and when shopping for nearly anything in the interior, there is usually only one of said type of store - they've got you over a barrell and they know it.

My advice if you're thinking about it is to go for a couple weeks in the summer. Take a raft ride in Denali, watch moose from a safe distance, be awed by the majestic 'vastness' of it all. And then go home. Because when it's 60 below zero (and it is) or when the temp doesn't go above -20 for weeks on end (and it doesn't) all the pretty scenery in the world isn't going to make you feel any better about it.

The upshot, however, is that during football season, you can watch Monday Night Football starting at 3:30 and get to bed by 8 p.m. So, it's got that going for it.

In other news, my car is being ripped apart. As you may recall, my car is in the shop and the shop it is in sends me pictures every couple days to keep me aprised of how it's going. They have to this point, ripped the red skin off as the picture clearly shows. 

I haven't named a car in some years as I always seem to have cars with very little character (unlike the 800 dollar hoopties I had in my youth which were absolute pieces of crap, but were loaded with character). I think, however, that this whole process makes naming this car a worthy endeavor. If any of you would like to submit names please do. Besides, I named my bloody apartment and I spend about as much time in my car, so it's only fair, really.

Oh, and we have an 8th person 'following' the blog. I believe it's probably one of my brothers because of the name 'vtoutsiders' and the fact there is no picture. My family - in all directions - are not the first people you would think to call in the event of a technological emergency. I include myself in this, because as you may remember, I had never sent as much as a text message until 5 months ago. I do it all the time now and wish rather desperately The Shadow had a text enabled phone.

I'm sure I'll probably update this while I'm at home so thanks for stopping by and keep on coming back.

I wonder if BOB will miss me while I'm gone?

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