OK, it's been over a week, I know - no excuses. I have to try to make this at least weekly - but not weakly - so you'll have to get over it. But thanks for coming back anyway.
Got a comment from anonymous last week - I'll call him John because, well, that's his name so I don't know why he didn't just sign up and follow, but that's ok - thanks for the comment JB. Hope all is well with you and fam in Mass - did you ever find a job?
John is one of those guys who did his time in Blue and moved on - good for him. Sadly, there are people in the military who think that if you don't do 20 years you're 'quitting.' Well, those people are just dicks.
I had cause to think of my last post just today, as the top of an aqua massager closed in over top of me, trapping me yet again inside a tube. But this time my hands were free, i had access to headphones and as I had just run 4 miles, the water pounding on my back and legs felt great, so I didn't think about anything except how much I couldn't wait until I went running again so I could give myself an excuse to get back in that thing. If you ever come across a water massage table, give it a try. You don't get wet. Basically you lay on what is a massage table, except a top half of a tube closes over you like a sun-bed. This half has a very plyable plastic sheet against which the water jets hit you - so you're dry and it feels great. Not as good as a 'real' massage, but about 1/3 the price and you don't have to worry if that number your buddys shaved in your back hair is still visible from your last new years party.
Speaking of running, I had confirmation today that I am not only old, and fat, but also slow. The Shadow called me and asked what my mile time was. Grudgingly I told her the truth - about 9.5 to 10 minutes (but it will get faster). My son, Al, the 8 year old, did a timed mile at school earlier in the day - 9 minutes on the nose. Fastest runner out there too. I could burst. Maybe some of my old cross country running genes have found their way to him - I hope he enjoys running. Being first will certainly help him get started.
Sadly today I realized that had I been left alone at my last assignment, I'd have only about 6 months left before going on terminal leave. Then I realized that I still had 20 months. It will go be quickly, though, the last 24 years certainly have. And while I can't say I'm a big fan of the Lone Star state and it's still 90+ degree weather, I notice that the highs for the Shadow and company right now are only in the 60s - barely. While 60s would probably feel nice, they are inevitably followed by 30s, 20s and zeros. I'll be happy to go back to that as soon as I can, but I won't think about it much until next July when it starts to get 110 here again.
For now, the best weather season of the south is nigh upon me, and I plan to take advantage of it by getting out there and putting some miles down - if for no other reason that so when I get home, I can catch my son and tell him how proud I am of him.
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