I don't think so. I mean, closure in as much as the demon car that finally made it back to Texas and then died a second death is now forgotten - not wholly forgotten, of course, as i still have to pay for it, but today I put a stake through it by buying a new car.
I'm not sure that qualifies as closure - not until I escape from the Escape as it were. I'm sure when it's fixed properly it will give somone another 60K-100K of driving enjoyment - I sincerely hope it does. I'm just as sure, however, that person won't be me.
I actually kind of liked the Escape, but when you've been bitten twice, it leaves you a little shy - especially driving around here. Take the other day - about 90 minutes before El Fordo decided to sputter on me. I was driving to the base and decided to take a different direction - sans GPS.
If you know me and have driving with me, you know that my navigation skills are --- how shall we say --- lacking. In fact, a few years ago while on my way from a base in Virginia to a base in North Carolina, I (without aid of a map and before GPS were ubiquitous in cars) just motored my merry way. Upon realizing I couldn't find said base, I called the guy I was supposed to meet and there was a silence on the other end of the phone - long enough to be what they call in the radio industry "dead air". Then the laughing. "You want sea, and you went mountains" the voice told me. Turns out I had taken a right (west) when I should have taken a left (east) Goldsboro...Greensboro -- they were both Boros that were colors, it's an easy mistake to make and could've happened to anyone.
Anyway, so I'm driving in Texas and there are these mean little houses...not "I hate you" kind of mean, but just small and ill cared for kind of mean - look it up if you don't get it. So, there are these houses and I'm on the road about 10 feet from the 'yard' to said houses and directly - and I mean directly - above me is a large raised highway. I think it would be a wonderful place to live I really do with all the conveniences of the modern superhighway nearly literally within reach.
At the very least I didn't break down THERE. You probably wouldn't be reading this today if I had. But I did have my GPS then and I did turn it on and found my way OUT and to base.
All that in a way to say, I guess I have a sort of closure with my attitude toward the little silver car as it didn't really leave me in a lurch, just more inconvenienced than anything else. But what I'd really like closure on as that cars goes, is my wallet. That thing seems like it will stay open for quite a while.
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